Schedule of Events
*Please note that dates, times, and events are subject to change.
Download Schedule of Events
Training Pass
To properly prepare for participation, regular activity should be conducted that relates to the events in which a person will participate. To facilitate this the YMCA has the following training pass program for Corporate Cup registrants.
Employees can register at the YMCA for the training pass program by showing a company ID card or check stub. Once employment has been verified, employees need to sign in at the Welcome Desk every time they visit the facility. Employees will be asked to sign a waiver and provide a photo I.D. for Raptor Screening during their first visit. Raptor is a visitor management system that enhances facility security by reading a visitor's drivers’ license (or other approved government issued ID), comparing information against a sex offender database to alert administrators and if a match is found.
- This service will begin August 12, 2024 and ends September 6, 2024. Only individual training will be allowed. Group or team workouts must be approved by the YMCA Corporate Cup Director.
- Training Passes cannot be used during prime YMCA Membership hours (weekdays 5:00pm-7:00pm)
- Available times: Weekdays: 5am-5pm and 7pm-8pm; Saturday: 7am-5pm; Sunday: 12pm-4pm
- All participants must show Training Pass and sign in at each visit.
- Any misuse or not following procedures set up by the YMCA will mean void of training pass card and possible void of all company passes.
- The pass is only good for access to the YMCA of Pueblo facility, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue.
- If a Training Pass is lost or stolen, only the Corporate Cup Director's office can issue a second card.
The true benefit of being a part of the YMCA Corporate Cup is to get yourself and your team in better physical shape.
**Classes and special services require the standard registration fee. The training pass provides free use of the facilities for the employee only; EXCLUDING Child Watch and the Pool. Standard day pass fees apply to employee's family members**
Event Workers
The Foundation of the Corporate Cup
Company Requirement: Each company is expected to provide 4 event workers to help with events. This may be someone who is extremely interested in being involved with Corporate Cup but is unable to participate in other events.
Event Worker Points: Each event worker earns 3 team points upon completion of his/her assigned task. An event worker can earn extra points by working multiple events. Volunteers can add points to team and/or deduct points should they not show up at assigned event.
Participation Percentage Points: Workers are included in the team participation percentage. For every additional 4 workers, you will get additional points.
Eligibility: Event workers can meet either the standard participant requirements or can be family and friends of those who meet those requirements. Minimum age is 16.
Counts toward individual's event entry limit: NO
The company/organization with the most event workers will receive a plaque recognizing their contribution to the foundation of the Corporate Cup and the YMCA as a whole.
5K Time Predicted Walk/Run
Also: Duathlon Event #1
Event Site | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time | Saturday, September 7 at 7:45am |
Pre-Event Meeting | Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30pm at the YMCA - Team Directors ONLY |
Placing | Determined by the difference between actual and predicted times for each participant. Duathlon placing will combine actual times from the Bike event and 5K. |
Age Groups | Male and female division of 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points | 1st (6), 2nd (5), 3rd (4), 4th (3), 5th (2), 6th (1) in each gender age group |
Medals | Top 3 in each age group |
Counts toward individual’s event entry limit? | NO |
To participate in this event and to ensure correct results, the individual must be registered AND have a 5K bib number and timing chip. *NO EXCEPTIONS*
2. TEAM INFO & BIB# PICKUP: Team Directors must pick up team envelopes with bib #’s and timing chips at the Team Directors Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 5th at 5:30 p.m. It is recommended that Team Directors distribute bibs and timing chips prior to walk/run day.
Predicted times must be submitted on the Individual Registration Form and recorded by the team’s input personnel. No times may be changed after the deadline for data input to be completed.
Participants should arrive early to allow time for traffic, parking, and walking to the start of the event.
Substitutions or additions will not be accepted the day of the event.
6. Watches and/or headsets of any type are not allowed. Captains can collect these items in a team envelope and turn them in to the registration table for security. Infraction of this rule will result in disqualification.
Participants start the 5K in “Waves”. Wave assignments are on one’s bib. Waves will be started about 3 minutes apart. Faster runners are placed in Waves 1 and 2.
Walkers/runners must remain on the right side of the road to allow people to pass. Walk no more than 2 abreast as soon as possible!
The 5K Predict is scored as an individual event and is determined by the difference in actual and predicted times. Teams can have unlimited entries.
10. Duathlon Participants: Besides using your variance from prediction for scoring this 5K event, the actual 5K Walk/Run time will be combined with the actual Bike Event time for Duathlon scoring.
11. Prohibited Items & Persons: For safety purposes and insurance regulations family members and/or friends, baby strollers, baby packs, wagons, roller skates, roller skis, roller blades and similar equipment, bicycles and pets are not permitted under any circumstances.
Basketball Shoot
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 7 anytime between 9am and 12:00pm |
Pre-Event Meeting: | Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30pm at the YMCA - Team Directors ONLY |
Placing: | Determined by the total points scored by each shooter. Predicted points are only used as a tie-breaker. |
Age Groups: | Male and female division of 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st (6), 2nd (5), 3rd (4), 4th (3), 5th (2), 6th (1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
Times will be handed out at the Team Directors Meeting on Tuesday, September 5 at 5:30pm.
Basketball Shoot will be scored as an individual event.
Teams can have unlimited entries.
Participants will have one minute to make as many baskets as possible.
Five spots will be marked in front of the basket. The participant can decide where they want to shoot from. More points are accumulated from farther distances.
The goal is to hit as many baskets as possible, NOT TO HIT PREDICTED POINTS. Predicted points are just used as a tie breaker.
ONCE AGAIN: Prediction points on the waiver/registration will be used as tie-breakers only.
All participants must use the basketballs provided by the YMCA for competition. Official men's and women's size basketballs will be available.
Teams must bring their own basketballs for practice. Warm-up balls will NOT be provided.
One practice shot is allowed before starting.
The YMCA will not be responsible for lost or stolen basketballs.
All shots must be taken from the outside of the lane.
Event Site | YMCA, Main Activity Pool |
Event Date & Time | Div 1: Saturday, September 7 at 1pmDiv 2: Saturday, September 7 at 11:30amDiv 3: Saturday, September 7 at 10am |
# of Teams | 1 team/company |
Team Size & Gender | Teams must have at least one female and one male. Males may never exceed females. Teams of 3-4 players shall occupy each boat. A minimum of 3 players are required to start a heat. |
Points | Place Points: 1st (12pts), 2nd (10pts), 3rd (8pts), 4th (6pts), 5th (4pts), 6th (2pts) in each divisionParticipation points: 6 pts per company |
Plaques | 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each division |
Counts toward individual’s event entry limit? | YES |
Game Length
Each heat shall be played until there is one boat standing.
Event Format
There will be 4 heats of 3 boats each. The last boat standing from each heat will advance to the preliminary round, the losing teams will compete in the loser round. In the preliminary round boats will compete head-to-head. The winning boat from the prelims will advance to the semi-finals, the last two winning boats will then compete. The winner advances to the finals. The last boat standing from the loser’s round shall also advance to the finals.
Teams of 3-4 players shall occupy each boat. A minimum of 3 players are required to start a heat. All teams shall never have more males than females on a team.
All players are suggested to wear bathing suits. Street clothes will not be permitted (khakis, jeans, shoes other than those designed for water). Players may wear t-shirts, leggings, shorts and shirts.
Boats will be provided and shall remain in the water at all times. Any damage caused to the boat outside of normal use shall be the responsibility of the participant causing the damage.
Four (4) buckets will be provided for each boat. Teams are NOT allowed to bring any water carrying device or anything listed on the banned item list below.
At no time may a team have more than 4 buckets in their boat.
Each team will be provided with 3 kickboards to be utilized as shields.
Banned Items
- Water Guns
- Pumps
- Any device deemed dangerous by staff
- Paddles
- Any device designed to remove water from a boat
Game Start
To begin the game, teams will enter their boats and hold on to their designated position on the pool wall. The Referee will sound their whistle and start the clock. Teams will race towards and propel their boat with their hands, bucket, shields or pushing off the side.
Game Play:
The object of the game is to fill your opponent(s) boat with water using the buckets from your boat. If your boat goes under OR if 2 people remain in your boat your team is ruled out. Be careful and stay balanced. You are NOT allowed to bail water out of your own boat. You can always block attacks with your shield. Officials will push boats toward each other if they are evading and delaying the game.
During the game each player may only hold one item at a time. You can never be holding two buckets or a bucket and a shield at one time. You are not required to have a shield during the game but you are not allowed to have more than four buckets in your boat.
If you are called for a penalty or foul, each person must dump their bucket into their boat, and one person must dump a FULL bucket in the boat. During a penalty, teams can only shield, and not attack.
- Touching another team's boat, bucket, or shield with any part of the body.
- Bailing water out of your boat
- Holding both a bucket and shield
- Avoiding participation
- Delaying the game by aligning with another team.
Your Team is Out When:
- Any part of your boat goes under the water
- Any player on your team falls into the water
- Your team grabs the side of the pool to stay afloat
- Your team grabs hold of another boat to stay afloat
- When your team is left with only two players in the boat
- Any player on your team is guilty of using foul or abusive language towards an opponent
End of Regulation Time
At the end of the 7 minute time limit, if more than the needed boats for the round remain still floating they will be considered to have “survived” the battle. They will be entered into a 5 minute overtime period.
During the overtime period each boat will have 4 buckets and no shields. All boats will start at the center of the pool. The object is to sink your opponent(s). Last boat(s) needed to be afloat wins.
The survivor of the semi-final round and the survivor from the losers round shall advance to the finals. The first fifteen minutes of the finals shall be played with normal rules.
If overtime is needed there will be no time limit. The last boat staying afloat will be declared the winner.
Bicycle Time Predict Ride
Event Site: | Eastern end of Airport Industrial Park. Park ACROSS the street from the dirt parking lot of Target's building on United Avenue and/or along the street west of Target – DO NOT park in Target’s lot!!! |
Event Date & Time: | Sunday, September 8 at 8:30am |
Pre-Event Meeting: | Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30pm - YMCA |
Placing: | Determined by the difference between actual and predicted times for each rider. Duathlon placing will combine actual times from the Bike Event and the 5K. |
Age Groups: | Male and Female Age Divisions of: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st (6), 2nd (5), 3rd (4), 4th (3), 5th (2), 6th (1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each gender age group |
Counts towards individual's event entry limit? | NO |
TEAM INFO & BIB#/CHIP PICKUP: Team Directors must pick up team envelopes with bib #'s at the Team Director's Meeting on Tuesday, September 5 at 5:30pm. It is recommended that Team Directors distribute bib numbers and timing chips prior to ride day.
ROUTE DESCRIPTION: The 12.4-mile predicted ride will begin east of Target Distribution Center past the ravine and dirt parking lot. Watch for the Start/Finish sign on the north side of the road. It will continue on the DOT Road for 6.2 miles where you will see a turn-a-round sign. The road is in better condition than in prior years, but you will have 2 hills to climb. On the day of the race, please park in the dirt parking lot past the ravine. Please don't park on the actual road we will be cycling on.
CAUTION: When practicing on the course for the event, please wear bright colors for your own personal safety. We suggest NOT practicing during heavy weekday traffic times of 6:30-8:00 a.m. and 3:30-5:00 p.m. Be aware that there will be vehicles traveling at speeds up to 55 mph on this road.
General Rules:
All bicycles must be single seat (no tandem bikes) and in sound operating condition.
Predicted times must be submitted on the Individual Registration Form and recorded by the team's input personnel. No times may be changed after the deadline for data input to be completed. (See Admin Schedule)
Team members will compete as individuals. Times will not be averaged or otherwise combined.
No speedometers, watches, clocks, radios, cell phones, ipods or other timing gear will be allowed. No pace riders or coaches will be allowed along the course. Infraction of this rule will result in disqualification.
Riders must finish the course within 2 hours.
Substitutions or additions will not be accepted the day of the event.
"Sag wagons" will be patrolling the course on ride day to provide transportation to the finish line if a rider encounters mechanical or other difficulties and cannot continue.
Participant Uniforms:
Riders must have the correct bib number and it must be worn on the FRONT of the riders shirts. NO EXCEPTIONS. Bibs will be given out at the Pre-Event Meeting (see above).
Every rider must wear a protective, securely fastened BIKE HELMET. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Riders must wear a shirt or jersey, shoes, cycling shorts or other appropriate pants. Long pants must be secured from interfering with the bicycle chain or spokes.
Participants are encouraged to take sufficient water with them on the bike ride to prevent dehydration. Water bottles should be fastened to the bike with standard water bottle cages.
Start of the Ride:
Riders will be organized into waves based upon predicted time, with the faster riders in the 1st wave. All riders will be notified of their wave number before the day of the event.
Waves will be started about 2 minutes apart. Marshals will indicate the location and time of each wave formation and departure. Each rider is responsible to start in the correct wave. Riders who start in an incorrect wave will be disqualified.
Formation of waves will begin 10 minutes before actual start. All riders should arrive at least 45 minutes before start time.
Conduct of the Ride:
All laws of the State of Colorado will be in effect.
Courteous and safe riding practices are mandatory. Ride in single file. Stay to the right, passing on the left only. All riders should announce "on the left" before overtaking another rider. All riders should be aware of riders immediately behind them or on their flank and should be extremely cautious when making side movements to avoid road hazards.
Riders may not leave the prescribed course unless ordered to do so by a race marshal or law officer.
Riders may dismount at their pleasure but must not interfere with other riders.
Competitors may make no progress unaccompanied by a bicycle. In case of mechanical breakdown, riders may walk but must finish within the time limit.
Finish of the Ride:
A rider's time will be the difference between the clock time of his/her wave start and the clock time when he/she crosses the finish line. The time will include any time taken at rest stops.
A riders' finish time will be posted when the rider's front tire passes the timing post at the open end of the finish chute. Riders must slow down before entering the chute and proceed in single file without order change as they proceed to the end. All riders must come to a stop for bib number check before leaving the chute.
A rider who has not completed the entire course may not cross the finish line and may not score points.
Water will be provided after the ride is completed.
Event Site: | Bowlero Lanes |
Event Date & Time: | Div 3: Sunday, September 8th 12:30pm or 3pmDiv 2: Sunday, September 15th 12:30pmDiv 1: Sunday, September 15th 3pm |
Special Fees: | $75/team |
# of Teams: | Div 1: 3 teams, Div 2: 4 teams, Div 3: 5 teams. All teams can place |
Team Gender: | Teams must have at least one female and can be all female. Teams must have 4 bowlers. |
Placing: | Determined by the total team score. See details below. |
Age Groups: | NONE |
Points: | Placing Points: 1st (12 pts), 2nd (10 pts), 3rd (8 pts), 4th (6 pts), 5th (4 pts), 6th (2 pts) in each division. Participation Points: 6 pts per company (not per team) |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each division |
Counts towards individual's event entry limit? | YES |
Scoring Detail: Each participant will bowl 3 games. Actual scores will be used. All 3 games of all 4 team members will be added together to comprise a team score. Placing within each division is determined by the team score.
A participant may only bowl on one team.
Computerized scoring equipment will be used and scores verified.
This will be a NON-SMOKING event.
Substitutions: Substitutions are allowed the day of the event, but you must make changes 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. Substitutions must have submitted a signed waiver and cannot exceed their event limitation.
Bowlers will alternate lanes on their pair of lanes.
Climbing/Rock Wall Competition
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E Spaulding Ave, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time: | Wednesday, September 11th 5:30pm-8pmWednesday, September 18th 5:30pm-8pmALL divisions are welcome to participate during these times.
Placing: | Individuals will be ranked in their male and female divisions based on their cumulative score from both the Top Rope and Bouldering events. |
Age Groups: | Male and Female divisions of: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | Placing Points: 1st (6 pts), 2nd (5 pts), 3rd (4 pts), 4th (3 pts), 5th (2 pts), 6th (1 pt) in each gender age group. |
Medals: | Top 3 in each age group |
Counts towards individual's event entry limit? | YES |
*Subject to change
There are two parts to the climbing competition: a top rope event on the Main Wall and a traverse on the Bouldering Wall.
- There is a total possible point tally of 15pts
- You can make two attempts for each wall
- It counts as an attempt if you touch the ground or hang on a rope.
- Start and finish is marked with arrows on the starting holds, zones are marked with blue colored tape.
- Each individual must attempt the Main Wall and the Boulder Wall.
Main Wall Rules
- You get 1 point every 6ft for the first 24ft of the wall (6 feet will be marked with blue tape)
- After 24ft, the route will split into two options (one easier route, and one more difficult route)
- At this point, you can choose to continue going straight up for the easier finish and be awarded a total of 4pts OR go to the side to try for the harder finish and be awarded a total of 6pts.
- At the split, the easier route will have a hold worth 2pts and the top will mark the next 2pts to reach 4pts total.
- At the split, the harder route will have a hold worth 3pts and the top will mark the next 3pts to reach 6pts total.
Bouldering Wall/Traverse Rules
- You will be traversing left to right.
- There will be 3 holds marked with blue tape, those will offer you a point each
- There will be a bonus hold worth 2pts
- The bonus hold will be taped with red tape.
- To get the bonus points, you must have full control of the hold (both hands on the hold for at least 3 seconds)
- If you try for the bonus hold, move back to the traverse and go for the finish (2pts) for a total of 5pts with the bonus, or a total of 3pts without the bonus hold.
Corn Hole
Event Site: | YMCA Playing Field, YMCA 3200 E Spaulding Ave |
Event Date & Time: | Div 1: Saturday, September 7th 11:30am Div 2: Saturday, September 7th 10:00am Div 3: Saturday, September 7th 8:30am |
# of Teams: | All Divisions - 2 teams/company |
Team Gender: | Teams may consist of any combination of male/female (do not have to be coed) |
Placing: | Determined by the total points. |
Points: | Placing Points: 1st (12 pts), 2nd (10 pts), 3rd (8 pts), 4th (6 pts), 5th (4 pts), 6th (2 pts) in each division. Participation Points: 6 pts per company (not per team) |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each division |
Counts towards individual's event entry limit? | YES |
The Field Director will be in charge of the field, facilities, and spectators.
Abusive language and/or physical threats to umpires, players, or field staff will not be tolerated. Any team or player exhibiting this type of behavior will automatically be disqualified from any further competition.
Profanity: Participants and fans are asked to avoid use of profanity at games. Excessive use of profanity may be grounds for player ejection from the game.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the playing field and no intoxicated person will be allowed on the playing field.
Ejected players: If a player is ejected from a game for an unsportsmanlike act or conduct, the team cannot play shorthanded. If no legal substitute is available, the game is forfeited. Ejected players are suspended from the tournament.
A player, while in competition, shall make no disturbing noises or movements that would distract the opponent or competitors on adjacent courts. The first offense shall call for a warning from the judge or tournament official. A second offense shall call for a forfeiture of the game being played. Any further offenses shall call for a forfeiture of all games.
Any player who indulges in heckling, unfair rooting, or any other form of unsportsmanlike conduct toward any ACA member or tournament official, shall be subject to expulsion from the tournament and the tournament site. This covers any inappropriate behavior (including profane or abusive language) in, or around, the court area.
Managers are responsible for the team’s behavior.
No player may participate on a team without being on the team roster. Effect: Forfeit.
All players must be at least 18 years of age.
Game time is FORFEIT time - all teams should be ready to play when scheduled.
Managers must submit any additions/deletions to roster prior to game time to the field supervisor.
Games and/or tournament may be cancelled if facilities and/or time are unavailable.
All teams must consist of two players.
It can be a combination of male or female in any order (teams do not have to be coed).
No substitutes allowed after game is started.
The corn hole match shall be played until the first team of contestants reaches (or exceeds) 21 points at any time or 25 minutes of length.
Teams do not have to complete an inning.
The winning team does not need to win by 2 or more points.
Cancellation scoring will be used. In cancellation scoring, Corn hole bags in-the-hole and bags in-the-count pitched by opponents during an inning (in singles play) or half of an inning (in doubles play) cancel each other out. Only non-canceled bags are counted in the score for the inning.
1. Corn hole Bags In-The-Hole: Hole-ins (HI’s) cancel each other. A bag in-the-hole of one contestant shall cancel a bag in-the-hole of his competitor and those bags shall not score any points. Any non cancelled bag in-the-hole scores 3 points.
2. Corn hole Bags In-The-Count: Bags in-the-count cancel each other. A bag in-the-count of one contestant shall cancel a bags in-the-count of the opponent and those bags shall not score any points. Any non cancelled bags in-the-count score 1 point each.
Disc Golf
Event Site: | City Park |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 21st, 8:00 am – ALL Sunday, September 22nd 8:00 am – ALL Companies are also allowed to complete their rounds prior to the dates above. ALL scorecards must be turned in by 5:00pm on September 23rd. |
Team Size and Gender: | Teams must have at least 1 female and can be all female. Teams consist of 4 people; 3 person teams not allowed.Div 1: 1 Team, Div 2: 2 Teams; Div 3: 3 Teams |
Format: | 4 person scramble start. Teams will be assigned a starting tee. |
Points: | 1st(16), 2nd(14), 3rd(12), 4th(10), 5th(8), 6th(6) Participation Points: 6 |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | YES |
DGA rules for Disc Golf will govern play except for changes and adaptations noted in these rules.
The Event Director will be in charge of the course, facilities, and spectators.
Abusive language and/or physical threats to Y staff, players, or spectators will not be tolerated. Any team or player exhibiting this type of behavior will automatically be disqualified from any further competition.
Profanity: Participants and fans are asked to avoid use of profanity at games. Excessive use of profanity may be grounds for player ejection from the game.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the course and no intoxicated person will be allowed to compete.
Captains are responsible for the team’s behavior on the course.
No player may participate on a team without being on the team roster. Effect: Forfeit.
Any captain who plays an illegal or ineligible player shall forfeit all games in which such player participated.
All players must be at least 18 years of age.
Tee time each day is 8am.
All teams must submit a roster to the event director prior to their first tee.
A team consists of four players, a minimum of 1 female.
Each day captains must obtain score cards from Softball Field #4 from YMCA representative prior to teeing off and return them immediately after course completion.
Four Person Scramble Info: Each foursome will play 18 holes. All members of the group will hit from the tee. The captain will then select the best drive. From that point, all members of the group will hit a second shot. Again, the captain will select the shot providing the most advantageous lie. This procedure will continue until the disc is holed out. Only one score per hole per team is to be recorded. Scorecards must be signed, attested, and turned in at the conclusion of the course.
Lie: A lie is the spot where the player’s previous throw has landed. Mark lie with a mini disc or turn over the thrown disc, directly towards the hole or designated fairway. The player’s subsequent throw is made from directly behind the marked lie
Fairway Throw: Fairway throws must be made from directly behind the lie. A run-up and normal follow-through, after release, is allowed, unless the lie is within 10 meters of the target. Any shot within 10 meters of the target requires that the player not move past the lie until the disc is at rest
Completion of Hole: A disc that comes to rest in the disc pole hole basket or chains constitutes successful completion of that hole
Event Site, Date & Time: | The Duathlon is an event combining the actual times from the 12.4 mile Bike Event and the 5K Walk/Run Event. As such it does not have it's own separate venue |
Pre-Event Meeting: | NONE |
Placing: | Duathlon placing is determined by the combination of the actual times from the Bike Event and the 5K. |
Age Groups: | Male and Female Age divisions of: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st(6), 2nd(5), 3rd(4), 4th(3), 5th(2), 6th(1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each gender age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
Special Notes: | For ease of recording your entry, you will automatically be entered in this event when you enter both the Bike and 5K events. Because of the special challenge of this event people often find that by merely completing both the 5K and Bike that they have earned points for their company. |
Executive Games
Event Site | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time | Saturday, September 7th at 9:30 a.m. |
Pre-Event Meeting | NONE |
# of Teams | 1 per company |
Team Gender | Each team must include at least 1 male and 1 female |
Team Size | Each team will be comprised of 4 people, 1 of who has been chosen from the company’s top 2 executives (i.e. CEO or Vice President) |
Age Groups | NONE |
Points | 1st (12), 2nd (10), 3rd (8), 4th (6), 5th (4), 6th (2) in each division. Placing is determined by team time |
Medals | NONE |
Counts toward individual’s event entry limit? | NO |
Football Throw
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 7th ALL Divisions are welcome to participate anytime between 9:00am - 12:00pm |
Placing: | Determined by combination of distance and accuracy of throw. See rules below. |
Age Groups: | Male and female age divisions of 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st (6), 2nd (5), 3rd (4), 4th (3), 5th (2), 6th (1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
There will be three (3) tires suspended from the Archery Frame. One will be approximately 40 inches wide and two will be approximately 36 inches wide. Men will stand 10 yards away and women will be 8 yards away.
The participant may throw in any style. Crossing the baseline during or after the throw results in a score of zero for that throw.
Football sizes: Men - official size football; Women - junior sized football
This event is for accuracy. Throwing the football through a 40 inch tire will result in 3 pts. Throwing the football through a 36 inch tire will result in 5 pts. Hitting any tire will result in 1 pt.
Each participant is allowed 3 throws. No warm up throws will be allowed.
Event Site: | Desert Hawk Golf Course |
Event Date & Time: | Div 3: Sunday, September 8th @ 7:30amDiv 1 & 2: Sunday, September 15th @ 7:30am |
Special Fees: | $325/team. Due Friday, August 23rd, 5:00pm. The cost of the golf tournament is not included in the overall Corporate Cup team fees. It is the option of the company to pay for the golf event or it is the responsibility of the individual golfers. |
# of Teams: | Div 1: 1 Team; Div 2: 2 Teams; Div 3: 3 Teams All teams can place |
Team Gender: | Teams must have at least 1 female and can be all female. Teams consist of 4 people; 3 person teams not allowed. |
Placing: | Determined by the lowest team round score. Tiebreaker used is lowest hole score on holes ranked by degree of difficulty. |
Age Groups: | None |
Points: | Placing points: 1st(12), 2nd(10), 3rd(8), 4th(6), 5th(4), 6th(2) in each division. Participation points: 6 pts per company (not per team) |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd and 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | YES |
Shotgun Start: Holes Will Be Assigned
Scramble Format: On every hole, each member of the team may hit a tee shot. The team then selects one of the tee shots from which to play. All members of the team may then hit from that position. This procedure is repeated until the ball is holed.
Two Tee Shots: Each team member’s tee shot must be used at least two (2) times per eighteen (18) hole round.
Selected Shot: Each team member may place his/her ball within one club-length of the selected shot but no nearer to the hole. Further, if the shot selected is played from a hazard, bunker, primary rough, secondary rough, fairway, or fringe of the green, the ball must must remain in the hazard, bunker, primary rough, secondary rough, fairway, or fringe of the green.
Scoring: Scoring for the round is on the honor system for each team and all play should follow USGA rules. If there is ever a question as to how a shot should be played, the team should play the shot both ways and record both scores until a clarification can be given. For the tournament, a special score sheet (see below) will be distributed that will allow each team to record the score they received on each hole as well as the team member whose drive was used.
Score Sheet
Health Challenge
Event Site: The special nature of this event allows participants to select the activities and changes they are going to make. See details below.
Event Date and Time: Starts August 26, 2024. Ends September 20, 2024. Individuals will track their progress for four weeks and return the Health Challenge sheet no later than September 25 to their team captain for summation of points and submission to the YMCA.
Points: Each company will provide YMCA total points accumulated by each individual from their company, points go toward an overall total for the team. 1st (12 pts), 2nd (10 pts), 3rd (8 pts), 4th (6 pts), 5th (4 pts), 6th (2 pt)
The 2024 YMCA Corporate Cup Health challenge is an event in which anyone can participate. Over a 4-week period, you will be taking on the challenge set for each day. These challenges might not all be physical, but the goal of this challenge is to bring all areas of wellness together.
Each Saturday is an "Elective Day" meaning you can choose any of the electives on page 2 to complete that day. For August 27 and September 23 (start and finish days) journal your goals and if you achieved them. Include gratitudes for each day and be positive towards YOU. Mark the box for every day you complete successfully. Every completed day is worth one point. Tally your points on page 2 of the Health Challenge. Each company will provide YMCA total points accumulated by each individual from their company, points go toward an overall total for the team. Happy Health Challenge!
Event Run Date: August 26 - September 20
Home Run Derby
Event Site: | CSU Pueblo |
Event Date & Time: | Div 1: Monday, September 9 at 5:30pmDiv 2: Tuesday, September 10 at 5:30pmDiv 3: Monday, September 16 at 5:30pm and Tuesday, September 17 at 5:30pm |
Placing: | Determined by total number of home runs scored. See rules below. |
Age Groups: | Male and Female age divisions of: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | Placing points: 1st(6), 2nd(5), 3rd(4), 4th(3), 5th(2), 6th(1) in each gender age group. |
Medals: | Top three in each gender age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
This event will consist of 1 round for all competitors. The round will be 1:30 for all competitors, regardless of gender or age division. All competitors will receive 1:30 to hit as many home runs as possible. Each company has unlimited entries.
The YMCA will be providing pitchers for all rounds.
This applies to all rounds:
Women: Any ball hit over 100ft is considered a home run.
Men: Any ball hit over 150ft is considered a home run.
Batters must bat from the batter’s box
Per ASA rules, helmets are optional but not required.
Managers are responsible for the team’s behavior during the event. Only persons who are directly associated with the team may be on the field.
No player may participate on a team without being on the team roster. Effect: Forfeit.
All players must be at least 18 years of age.
Managers must submit any deletions to the roster prior to start time to the field supervisor.
Managers/captains are responsible for finding out when make up, rain out, etc. times are rescheduled. The YMCA will contact teams regarding the newly scheduled dates, time and location. The event may be cancelled if facilities and/or time are unavailable.
Only ASA approved bats are legal. Balls to be used are 12” 44 COR. Participants must provide their own bat, and helmet. YMCA will provide the balls. Helmets are optional but not required.
Volunteers will keep score while standing out of the field of play.
Each home run scored as 1 point.
Distance is scored by the initial place of the ball contacting the ground, not counting any extra bounces or rolls.
Any ball landing outside the field of play or before the home run distance will result in 0 points.
Five pitches will be given to each pitcher before the game starts.
Teams are NOT to warm up on the field.
Volunteers are responsible for collecting all hit balls at the end of each turn
Abusive language and/or physical threats to umpires, players, or field staff will not be tolerated. Any team or player exhibiting this type
of behavior will automatically be disqualified from any further competition.
Profanity: Participants and fans are asked to avoid use of profanity at games. Excessive use of profanity may be grounds for player
ejection from the game.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the playing field and no intoxicated person will be allowed on the playing field.
Ejected players: If a player is ejected for an unsportsmanlike act or conduct, they are suspended from the event.
Event Site: | City Park |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 14th at 8:00am
Team Size and Gender: | Roster size is limited to 20. For gender rules, please see Roster/Team information below. |
Special Fees: | $250 per team. Due Friday, August 23rd. Fee includes equipment, umpires, fields and administration. |
Placing: | Determined by double elimination tournament format. |
Points: | 1st(16), 2nd(14), 3rd(12), 4th(10), 5th(8), 6th(6) Participation Points: 6 |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | YES |
WAKA rules for kick ball will govern play except for changes and adaptations noted in these rules.
The Field Director will be in charge of the field, facilities, and spectators.
Abusive language and/or physical threats to umpires, players, or field staff will not be tolerated. Any team or player exhibiting this type of behavior will automatically be disqualified from any further competition.
Profanity: Participants and fans are asked to avoid use of profanity at games. Excessive use of profanity may be grounds for player ejection from the game.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the playing field and no intoxicated person will be allowed on the playing field.
Crashing: Running or sliding into a player intentionally to avoid an out is not allowed and will be cause for player ejection.
Fake Tags: Faking a tag to make the runner slide is strongly discouraged.
Ejected players: If a player is ejected from a game for an unsportsmanlike act or conduct, the team cannot play shorthanded. If no legal substitute is available, the game is forfeited. Ejected players are suspended from the tournament.
Managers are responsible for the team’s behavior on the bench and on the field. Only persons who are directly associated with the team may be in the dugout.
No player may participate on a team without being on the team roster. Effect: Forfeit.
Any manager who plays an illegal or ineligible player shall forfeit all games in which such player participated.
All players must be at least 18 years of age.
Game time is FORFEIT time - all teams should be ready to play when scheduled.
Managers must submit any additions/deletions to roster prior to game time to the field supervisor.
Managers/captains are responsible for finding out when make-up, rain out, etc. games are rescheduled. The YMCA will contact teams regarding the newly scheduled games, dates, time and location. Games and/or tournament may be cancelled if facilities and/or time are unavailable.
All teams must submit a roster to the field director prior to their first game.
A team consists of ten players, 5 male and 5 female.
Teams may field two extra players, 12 who kick in the lineup.
There may be one extra male and one extra female.
Never can males exceed females.
Rosters are limited to 20 players.
A game shall start and finish with a minimum of eight players. An out will be taken for the missing player. No team shall be permitted to kick with less than eight. Effect: Forfeit.
Intentional Walk: Notify the umpire. No pitches are required.
Coed Walk Rules: When a male is walked, he will be awarded 2 bases and the female batter must bat. Exception: With 2 outs the female may walk or kick.
A courtesy runner is any runner who replaces a runner without a charged substitution. Notify umpires prior to game if a runner will be needed and for which kicker.
2 male home runs per team.
Female home runs are not limited.
Male home runs exceeding the limit will be deemed outs.
The game is considered completed after 5 innings or 40 minutes. No innings will be started after 35 minutes have elapsed. EXCEPTION: In an attempt to break a tie, one extra inning using the California play-off format with a runner starting on second base. If the first California play-off does not break the tie, then another will be played until the tie is broken.
If a game needs to be interrupted and rescheduled it will be resumed where it stopped. However, if three innings have been played it will be considered a complete game. This could be 3 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead.
In the event a team is ten runs ahead after 4 innings of play the team is a winner regardless of time. This could be 3 ½ innings if the home team is ahead.
If a team begins with the required number of players that team may continue the game with less one player whenever the player leaves the game for any reason other than ejection.
Managers are responsible for turning in written lineups at least five minutes prior to game time.
Five pitches/rolls will be given each pitcher before the game starts. Two pitches will be given between innings. No infield practice after the first inning. Teams are NOT to warm up on the field.
The beginning ball count will be 1 ball, 1 strike on the kicker.
3 strikes, 4 balls, and 4 foul balls (4 foul balls equal 1 out)
There will be a designated strike zone box measuring 8’ x 14’. (Any pitch that is not kicked and is not called a ball that enters any part of the strike zone is a strike.)
Balls to be used are rubber and 10” in diameter.
If a player is removed for a violation the team may play shorthanded if no legal substitute is available. This is a disqualified player.
Kicking Order: Males and Females must alternate in the Kicking order. That is, two individuals of the same sex cannot kick back to back.
Feet first slides only.
No metal cleats.
Mile Run/Walk
Event Site: | YMCA of Pueblo |
Event Date & Time: | Thursday, September 12th - 6:00pm |
Placing: | Determined by the actual mile time of the participant |
Age Groups: | Male and Female age divisions of: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st(6), 2nd(5), 3rd(4), 4th(3), 5th(2), 6th(1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each gender age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | No |
To participate in this event and to ensure correct results, the individual must be registered AND have a Mile bib number. *NO EXCEPTIONS*
TEAM INFO & BIB# PICKUP: Team Directors must pick up team envelopes with bib #’s after 5pm on Monday, September 12th. It is recommended that Team Directors distribute bib numbers prior to the mile run day.
Participants should arrive early to allow time for traffic, parking, and walking to the start of the event.
Substitutions or additions will not be accepted the day of the event.
Race day check-in is not required. Once again, however, we do recommend that you arrive early to park and then warm-up while you familiarize yourself with the start and finish areas.
Fruit and water will be provided to participants after the run.
Special Note: In this event there are several sex and age groups in which one can score points for your team merely by completing the mile at a walking pace.
Prohibited Items and Persons: For safety purposes and insurance regulations family members and/or friends, baby strollers, baby packs, wagons, roller skates, roller skis, roller blades and similar equipment, bicycles and pets are not permitted under any circumstances.
Event Site: | Mineral Palace Pickleball Courts - 150 E 19th St, Pueblo, CO 81003 |
Event Date & Time: | Sunday, September 22nd Division 1 - 7:00am Division 2 - 11:00am Division 3 - 3:00pm |
Placing: | Determined by total number of games won. Round robin format. |
Team Amounts/Gender Rules | ALL DIVISIONS - 2 Teams per company / Co-ed doubles |
Points: | 1st(12), 2nd(10), 3rd(8), 4th(6), 5th(4), 6th(2) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each Division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | YES |
USA Pickleball rules for Pickleball will govern play except for changes and adaptations noted below. Please find the USA Pickleball rules here:
The Field Director will be in charge of the courts, facilities, and spectators.
Abusive language and/or physical threats to umpires, players, or field staff will not be tolerated. Any team or player exhibiting this type of behavior will automatically be disqualified from any further competition.
Profanity: Participants and fans are asked to avoid use of profanity at games. Excessive use of profanity may be grounds for player ejection from the game.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the playing field and no intoxicated person will be allowed on the playing field.
Ejected players: If a player is ejected from a game for an unsportsmanlike act or conduct, the team cannot play shorthanded. If no legal substitute is available, the game is forfeited. Ejected players are suspended from the tournament.
All teams must consist of two players. 1 male 1 female.
No substitutes allowed after games have started. Between games, injuries will allow for alternates to sub in. Alternates must be the same gender for which they're subbed in for.
All pickleball brackets will be round robin. Games are played to 11, win by 2. The teams with the most total wins will be declared the winner of the tournament. In the event teams having the same total wins, total points will be used for the tie-break. If still a tie, we will enter sudden death first to 3 OT.
Games are limited to 25 minutes. If a winner is not declared after 25 minutes the highest point total team after the time limit is over will be declared the winner.
Teams will be responsible for their score sheet throughout the tournament.
Soccer Kick
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 7th ALL Divisions are welcome to participate anytime between 9:00am - 12:00pm |
Placing: | Determined by total number of points scored. See rules below. |
Age Groups: | Male and female age divisions of: 18-20, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st(6), 2nd(5), 3rd(4), 4th(3), 5th(2), 6th(1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top three in each gender age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
Participants will have one minute to make as many goals as possible from different lengths.
Five (5) spots will be marked in front of the goal. The participant will need to alternate through each spot. More points are accumulated from farther distances.
The goal is to score as many goals as possible, NOT TO HIT PREDICTED POINTS. Predicted points are just used as a tie breaker.
ONCE AGAIN: Prediction points on the waiver/registration will be used as tie-breakers only.
- All participants must use the soccer ball provided by the YMCA for competition. Official size soccer ball will be used.
- Teams must bring their own soccer balls for practice. Warm-up balls will NOT be provided.
- One practice shot is allowed before starting.
- The YMCA will not be responsible for lost or stolen soccer balls.
Event Site: | City Park |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 21st at 8:00am
Special Fees: | $250 per team. Due Friday, August 23rd. Fee includes balls, umpires, fields and administration. |
Team Size and Gender: | Roster size is limited to 20. For gender rules, please see Roster/Team information below. |
Placing: | Determined by double elimination tournament format. |
Points: | 1st(16), 2nd(14), 3rd(12), 4th(10), 5th(8), 6th(6) Participation Points: 6 |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | YES |
ASA rules for 12” slow pitch softball will govern play except for changes and adaptations noted in these rules.
The Field Director will be in charge of the field, facilities, and spectators.
Abusive language and/or physical threats to umpires, players, or field staff will not be tolerated. Any team or player exhibiting this type of behavior will automatically be disqualified from any further competition.
Profanity: Participants and fans are asked to avoid use of profanity at games. Excessive use of profanity may be grounds for player ejection from the game.
Alcohol: Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on the playing field and no intoxicated person will be allowed on the playing field.
Crashing: Running or sliding into a player intentionally to avoid an out is not allowed and will be cause for player ejection.
Fake Tags: Faking a tag to make the runner slide is strongly discouraged.
Ejected players: If a player is ejected from a game for an unsportsmanlike act or conduct, the team cannot play shorthanded. If no legal substitute is available, the game is forfeited. Ejected players are suspended from the tournament.
Managers are responsible for the team’s behavior on the bench and on the field. Only persons who are directly associated with the team may be in the dugout.
No player may participate on a team without being on the team roster. Effect: Forfeit.
Any manager who plays an illegal or ineligible player shall forfeit all games in which such player participated.
All players must be at least 18 years of age.
Game time is FORFEIT time - all teams should be ready to play when scheduled.
Managers must submit any additions/deletions to roster prior to game time to the field supervisor.
Managers/captains are responsible for finding out when make up, rain out, etc. games are rescheduled. The YMCA will contact teams regarding the newly scheduled games, dates, time and location. Games and/or tournament may be cancelled if facilities and/or time are unavailable.
All teams must submit a roster to the field director prior to their first game.
A team consists of ten players, 5 male and 5 female.
Teams may field two extra players, 12 who bat in the lineup.
There may be one extra male and one extra female.
Never can males exceed females.
Rosters are limited to 20 players.
A game shall start and finish with a minimum of eight players. An out will be taken for the missing player. No team shall be permitted to bat less than eight. Effect: Forfeit.
Intentional Walk: Notify the umpire. No pitches are required.
Coed Walk Rules: When a male is walked, he will be awarded 2 bases and the female batter must bat. Exception: With 2 outs the female may walk or bat.
A courtesy runner is any runner who replaces a runner without a charged substitution. Notify umpires prior to game if a runner will be needed and for which batter.
2 male home runs per team.
Female home runs are not limited.
Male home runs exceeding the limit will be deemed outs.
The game is considered completed after 7 innings or 55 minutes. No innings will be started after 50 minutes have elapsed. EXCEPTION: In an attempt to break a tie, one extra inning using the California play-off format with a runner starting on second base. If the first California play-off does not break the tie, then another will be played until the tie is broken.
If a game needs to be interrupted and rescheduled it will be resumed where it stopped. However, if five innings have been played it will be considered a complete game. This could be 4 1/2 innings if the home team is ahead.
In the event a team is ten runs ahead after 5 innings of play the team is a winner regardless of time. This could be 4 ½ innings if the home team is ahead.
If a team begins with the required number of players that team may continue the game with less one player whenever the player leaves the game for any reason other than ejection.
Managers are responsible for turning in written lineups at least five minutes prior to game time.
Five pitches will be given each pitcher before the game starts. Two pitches will be given between innings. No infield practice after the first inning. Teams are NOT to warm up on the field.
The ball count will be 1 ball, 1 strike on batter.
Balls to be used are 12” 44 COR.
Only ASA approved bats are legal.
If a player is removed for a violation the team may play shorthanded if no legal substitute is available. This is a disqualified player.
Each team is allowed one bat person.
Batting Order: Males and Females must alternate in the batting order. That is, two individuals of the same sex cannot bat back to back.
Head first slides only. Feet first slides will result in an out.
Team Challenge
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E Spaulding Avenue |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 7th 9:00am - 12:00pm
# of Teams: | Div 1: 1 team/company; Div 2 & 3: 2 teams/company |
Team Gender: | Teams must be co-ed with a minimum of one male or female per team. |
Team Size: | TBD
Age Groups: | NONE |
Points: | Placing Points: 1st(12), 2nd(10), 3rd(8), 4th(6), 5th(4), 6th(2) in each division
Participation Points: 6 per company, not per team |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | YES |
Three-Point Contest
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 7 anytime between 9am and 12:00pm |
Pre-Event Meeting: | Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30pm at the YMCA - Team Directors ONLY |
Placing: | Determined by the total points scored by each shooter. Predicted points are only used as a tie-breaker. |
Age Groups: | Male and female division of 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+ |
Points: | 1st (6), 2nd (5), 3rd (4), 4th (3), 5th (2), 6th (1) in each gender age group |
Medals: | Top 3 in each age group |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
Times will be handed out at the Team Directors Meeting on Tuesday, September 3 at 5:30pm.
Three-Point Contest will be scored as an individual event.
Teams can have unlimited entries.
Participants will have one minute to make as many baskets as possible.
Five spots will be marked at three point line distance. The participant can decide where they want to shoot from.
The goal is to hit as many baskets as possible, NOT TO HIT PREDICTED POINTS. Predicted points are just used as a tie breaker.
ONCE AGAIN: Prediction points on the waiver/registration will be used as tie-breakers only.
All participants must use the basketballs provided by the YMCA for competition. Official men's and women's size basketballs will be available.
Teams must bring their own basketballs for practice. Warm-up balls will NOT be provided.
One practice shot is allowed before starting.
The YMCA will not be responsible for lost or stolen basketballs.
All shots must be taken from a marked three point placement.
Event Site: | Pueblo Community |
Event Date & Time: | August 5 - September 20 |
Pre-Event Meeting: | NONE |
# of Teams: | 1 team per company/organization |
Team Gender: | Teams can be any mix of gender or solely one gender |
Team Size: | Unlimited |
Placing: | Individual participation points will be tallied together for a total team score. |
Age Groups: | NONE |
Points: | 1st(16), 2nd(14), 3rd(12), 4th(10), 5th(8), 6th(6) Participation Points: 6 |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit? | NO |
Togetherhood® is the Y's Volunteer Service Program. Through Togetherhood®, Corporate Cup participants from all backgrounds work with their neighbors and community partners to plan and lead service projects that respond to community needs. Togetherhood® enables participants to experience the power of the Y’s cause in action and play a direct role in shaping the future of their community. It also helps Ys demonstrate community benefit, showing the public that we’re more than just a gym and swim—we’re a charity dedicated to strengthening community.
Each company will be required to select a service project and recruit as many employees, friends, family and community members to work on this project with them. Each company will be awarded (1) point for each volunteer they have working on their service project. Participants in this event, and this event only, don't need to be officially registered for the Corporate Cup.
Service projects can be completed between August 5 - September 18, 2024.
Each company will be required to turn in a sign in sheet, provided by the YMCA, listing all the volunteers that worked on your project. The sign in sheet should have original signatures from each volunteer. The sheet is due to the Y by 5pm on September 23, 2024.
T-Shirt Competition
Event Sponsor:

Event Site | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue, Pueblo, CO 81008 |
Event Date & Time | T-Shirts due to the Y by Friday, September 6th at 5:00pm |
Objective | To design and display a t-shirt that tastefully represents your company and the Corporate Cup sponsors while promoting company pride and spirit. |
Scoring | 30 points possible in each of the following three categories. Thus 90 total points are possible. Judging is done by YMCA staff.Originality – design creativityEffective use of required elements – must use the following:Company name or logoCurrent Corporate Cup theme Sponsor logos on the back – a template will be provided to you by the YMCAOverall design – a blend of attractiveness and visual appeal |
T-shirt Base Color | Shirt color selection can be made with payment of the base entry fee. Colors will be assigned on a first come, first serve basis. The same or like colors are not allowed within a division. |
Points | Participation Points – 6 points received for entering a t-shirt into the competition. Placing Points - 1st (12), 2nd (10), 3rd (8), 4th (6), 5th(4), 6th (2) in each division. Total Event Points – Combination of participation points and placing points. |
Plaque | Distinctive plaques are awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams |
1. T-shirts must be designed and laid out by employees of the company – no outside helping except for actual printing.
2. There is no limitation on the number of colors that can be used on the shirt.
3. Sponsor logos on shirt: The template with the 2023 YMCA Corporate Cup Major Sponsors will be provided to team directors. This layout must be used on the back of ALL team shirts.
4. Teams must wear their shirts identifying their corporation at each event. It is up to your company if you want to purchase team shirts, but we ask that participants at least wear like colors and markings.
5. Please be considerate to your printer and allow 2 weeks to print your t-shirt order.
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue |
Event Date & Time: | Saturday, September 7th Div 3: 12:00pmDiv 2: 1:00pmDiv 1: 11:00 am
# of Teams: | 1 team per company/organization |
Time Size and Gender: | Maximum team size is 10. Fewer team members are allowed as long as teams have the same or greater number of females as males. To allow for substitutions, a roster size of 15 is allowed. |
Age Groups: | NONE |
Points: | Participation Points: 6 Placing Points: 1st(16), 2nd(14), 3rd(12), 4th(10), 5th(8), 6th(6) |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd, 3rd per division |
Counts toward individual's event entry limit: | YES |
Cones will be set up 5 feet on both sides of the centerline.
On start signal by the referee, each team will attempt to pull the flag toward their cone until it crosses the plane of their cone.
The referee indicates when the match is over and declares the winner.
1" diameter, 75" length, flag attached at center point.
The rope cannot be wrapped around participant's hands or bodies.
Spikes, cleats and metal heel caps are not allowed.
Participants are encouraged to wear gloves.
Tournament format is double elimination.
There will be a 3-minute time limit for appearance of a late team. Non-appearance results in forfeiture.
Sides from which teams will pull will be decided by a flip of a coin by the referee.
One person from each team is required to signal the referee when his/her team is ready to start the pull.
If pulling back-to-back, a 5-minute rest period is given if needed.
Event Site: | YMCA, 3200 E. Spaulding Avenue |
Event Date & Time: | Division 1: Sunday, September 8th 10:00amDivision 2: Saturday, September 14th 8:00amDivision 3: Sunday, September 15th 8:00 am |
Pre-Event Meeting: | Tuesday, September 5th 5:30 pm at the YMCA. Volleyball captains only. We will go over all of the rules and hand out tournament brackets. The volleyball captain or a team representative must attend. |
# of Teams: | One per company for all divisions |
Practices: | Each company is welcome to find its own gym for practice or you can contact the YMCA Sports Department for specific dates/times set for team practices. |
Roster Size & Gender: | Team roster is limited to 12 players. Four players are required on the court to begin competition, max six. On the court, males cannot exceed the number of females. |
Placing: | Determined by double elimination unless entries dictate Round Robin play |
Seeding: | The top 2 teams from 2023 will be seeded accordingly. All other teams are bracketed by luck of the draw! |
Points: | Placing Points: 1st(16), 2nd(14), 3rd(12), 4th(10), 5th(8), 6th(6) Participation Points: 6 |
Plaques: | 1st, 2nd and 3rd place per division |
Counts towards individual's entry limit? | YES |
Special Team Fees: | $150/team due August 25th |
Each Volleyball Team Captain must report to the YMCA event director to confirm the players for the tournament before the team’s first designated match.
Once the roster is confirmed, players may not be added to the roster. There will be a closed roster with up to a maximum of 12 players on the roster.
If a player cannot play because of an injury the official will allow a substitution from the roster. All play will be Double Elimination unless entries dictate Round Robin play! High school rules will be used unless otherwise noted.
All teams must start with 4 players on the court. Males cannot exceed the number of females on the court.
No jewelry, watches, electronics (ear buds)/telephones are permitted during practice/play time. (Stud earring, necklaces under the shirt and flat rings are allowed.)
A maximum of 5 minutes of court time for warm-up will be provided. No warming up during a match (only if games are complete).
Two, 30-second timeouts are allowed per set.
A team will forfeit their first game of the match if they are not ready to play at the sound of the officials’ whistle. There will be a maximum of 5 minutes before the next game is started. If the team is still not ready, the second game will result in a forfeit, thus the match is a forfeit. The teams of the next scheduled match will then begin their 5 minute warm-up period.
Best-of-three series determines winner. Rally scoring will apply to all games. All games to 21 points, must win by 2 points. A cap will be set at 23 points. Thus, if a game is tied at 22, the next point scored will determine the winner.
Any abusive language and/or behavior will not be tolerated, and any team(s) or person(s) in violation will be dismissed from the game and a forfeit may occur.
Both teams must inform the official prior to the start of each game regarding the type of substitution/rotation that will be used. Only one method will be allowed per game. (See substitution/rotation rule)
At least three members from each team will be required to help officiate throughout the tournament (scorekeeper and two line judges). The official bracketing will show the matches to be played and the team that is required to officiate.
The ball is not to be put in play until after the sound of the officials whistle.
ATTACK HIT: An attack hit is an intentional effort to direct the ball into the opponent’s team area in other than blocking action. A third hit by a team is considered to be an attack hit, regardless of intention.
BACK ROW ATTACKER: A back row player who is on or forward of the attack line, (10 foot line), must contact the ball when part of the ball is below the level of the top of the net when returning the ball to the opponent’s team area.
BALL CONTACT: The ball may contact any part of the body. A player may have successive contacts with the ball when blocking or making the first play on a ball coming from the opponent, provided there is no finger action used during the effort and the ball is not held or thrown. Successive contacts on a first received ball must be during one continuous attempt to play the ball.
BLOCKING: Blocking is the action close to the net which intercepts the ball coming from the opponent’s side by making contact with the ball before it crosses the net, as it crosses the net or immediately after it has crossed the net. A ball that is legally blocked is not counted as the teams first legal hit. Thus, three more legal hits are allowed. In order for (a) player(s) to be in the act of blocking, some part of the body must be above the height of the net during the effort. DOUBLE HIT: When the ball is played in such a manner that there is finger action or contact is made by more than one part of the body.
ILLEGAL: When the ball visibly comes to rest in the hands, arms, or body of a player.
TEAM HITS: Each team is allowed a maximum of three (3) successive hits of the ball in order to return the ball to the opponent’s team area. Blocking does not constitute a team hit.
Automatic Dead Ball - Everything above or outside the playing area is out of bounds.
Service - Must begin behind the end court line. Cannot block or attack the serve.
The Court - Center line that divides side can be stepped on but cannot be completely stepped over. In stepping on center line, a player cannot interfere with an opposing players’ offensive or defensive play. All adjacent courts are out of bounds, if entered by a player(s), a fault will have been committed.
Sets - A player must be centered directly under the ball to overhead set. See definitions on held ball and double hit.
Blocks - The block is not considered a hit. See definition on blocking.
Illegal hit - Ball cannot be lifted or thrown. Ball must come off hand(s) immediately (split-second) on a spike or bump.
Back-Row Players - Back-row players may not direct a ball across the net if ball is still above net in front of the 10 foot line. A back row player may only spike from behind the attack line (10 foot line).
Substituting Players In and Out (Cannot be used with Rotation Method)
Substitution Rule - If a team wishes to substitute players instead of rotating, the Substitution Rule will be used. Groups of players (one on the court, others not playing) may substitute for each other no more than 18 times during a game. Entry into the game constitutes a substitution. Substitutions may take place from any position on the court (i.e. front left, middle back, etc.).
If a team wishes to rotate players in and out of a game, the rotation must be continuous. Players who have been rotated into the game or start the game cannot skip a rotation. The rotating of players in and out of a game must take place from the same position on the court (i.e. left back, middle back, left front, etc.).
· NO black soled or street shoes on gym floor. (STRICTLY ENFORCED) · NO smoking inside buildings.
· Each person is responsible for his/her own valuables.
Only the team captain may address the referee concerning a call. Any other team member addressing the referee or making profane or vulgar remarks will be expelled from play for the remainder of the match.
A point and side-out will be awarded to the opposing team if a player exhibits unsportsmanlike behavior.
Having more than one player expelled during a match.
Any team found to have a player not employed by the business they represent.
Any team not having the proper number of female and male players and the required age limits to start a match. Any action which is considered by the referee to be dangerous to the safety of all concerned.
Failure to officiate when required.
All teams must have only members employed by the business the team represents.
Any team with ineligible players will forfeit all games played.
Teams using more than the maximum of 12 players.
Players can only play on one team and for only one company in a Division.